Tips to Save Money on your Weekly Shopping Bills
Shop Wisely and Save Money Every Week
Few people genuinely look forward to doing the weekly shop, but there are some tips which can make the experience as painless as possible! All supermarkets have hidden ways of encouraging us to spend more money, so it’s wise to be aware of the different tricks that they play on unsuspecting shoppers.
The simplest way of saving money on your weekly shop is to set out with a list and to stick to it – that way you should only buy the things that you genuinely need, rather than falling for the end-of-aisle special offers, buy-one-get-one-free specials, and other discounts.
Try visiting the supermarket with a friend and swapping lists at the entrance. At the end of the shop, you should only have the items that you asked for, and no extras.
If possible, leave the kids at home. Not only is supermarket shopping more stressful with young children in tow, but you’ll be constantly badgered into buying sweets, crisps, drinks and toys – there’s a reason why all the major supermarkets have these items at the checkout, where little hands can slip them into the trolley without being seen!
If you’re only popping out for a few items, force yourself to go to the shop on foot rather than taking the car. Not only will you benefit from the exercise, you’ll be limited to how much you can carry back, and won’t be tempted to add additional heavy items into your shopping basket.
Another top tip is to eat a meal before you go shopping. If you’ve got an empty stomach, the delicious smells of freshly baked bread, rotisserie chicken and the delicatessen counter can lead to impulse buying. Also avoid any free samples, these will only make you hungrier and the sales people will often give you money-off coupons to tempt you further.
It’s also useful to focus on buying items which have a long shelf-life, such as tinned and frozen vegetables, bulk packets of rice and pasta, and family boxes of cereals so that food lasts longer once you get it home. Less trips to the supermarket equals less spending! For basics such as milk and sugar, head for the budget supermarkets or your local corner shop.
One final tip is to try out online shopping – many of the major supermarkets will give you a big discount on your first online shop, and you’ll also save money on petrol by not having to leave the house.